San Diego County to Require COVID Vaccination for New Hires

San Diego County voted to require vaccination against COVID-19 for all new hires. The vote came on Tuesday with a 3-2 vote on the requirement. The proposal was driven by Supervisor Nathan Fletcher, who has been one of the biggest COVID alarmists in the county and has pushed vaccine mandates and shutdowns throughout the pandemic. Fletcher said, “We just think it’s appropriate as new hires coming in that we bring in folks that are fully vaccinated”. According to Fletcher the new mandate will be put into effect in a few days. 

One of the no votes came from Jim Desmond, who has consistently opposed vaccine mandates and lockdown policies. Desmond said, “To put on this new restriction that all new hires had to be vaccinated, it was an overreach. Plus, we’ve got sort of an unintended consequence of mandating vaccines for certain people”. Desmond also believes that this mandate could have unintended consequences, as it could limit the people that the county can hire, “We always want to get the best and brightest, the best talent that we can get. I don’t want a vaccine holding that up. So, I do think it could limit the amount of people, the type of people we could hire”. 

The democrat controlled county board have been doing more and more to hamper freedoms and take control, and Nathan Fletcher is the ringleader of it all. Recently the board decided to make COVID-19 misinformation a crisis, an issue that democrats nationwide have pressed as they are using “misinformation” to shut down freedom of speech and expression. The board even brought in doctors to Tuesday’s board meeting to “fact check” people as they spoke to the supervisors.  

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