Bad News for Biden as Quinnipiac Poll shows Massive Drop-Off in Approval

Written by Nathaniel Manor

Biden misses the mark yet again as the latest Quinnipiac poll finds that a majority of people disapprove of Joe Biden’s job as president. 38% of respondents say they approve of Biden as president, while 53% disapprove of his job, the lowest approval rating since taking office. The poll also breaks down on party lines as Republicans (94%-4%), and independents (60%-32%) overwhelmingly rejected the houseplant-in-chief, with Democrats still hopeful (80%-10%).

On specific issues, Biden also faces harsh criticism. Only 28% of Americans believe that Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan was justified, while 50% think he should have left some troops there, and 15% say Biden should not have pulled any troops out of Afghanistan. Regarding the economy, only 29% are satisfied, and 72% are dissatisfied. 52% of people oppose vaccine mandates for students K-12 compared with 44% of respondents who say otherwise. A plurality of Americans says that vaccine mandates make no difference in leading their lives (47%), proving that these requirements are useless.

The president suffers sharp rejection in other areas such as Commander-in-Chief of the military (37-58), taxes (37-54), border security (23-67), immigration (25-67), honesty (44-50), and leadership skills (41-56). The only area where most Americans approved of the president was his compassion about the average American (49-48). This statistic goes hand-in-hand with Biden’s message as the empath-in-chief of “caring” about you while keeping the economy shut down and starving small businesses. Yes, so much caring.

This is not a good look for the Democrats, mainly as the 2022 midterms draw closer and closer. Even the liberal media now admits defeat as a recent Newsweek article predicts that Democrats will lose the Senate next year, and Republican control of the House is out of the question. Pollsters always underestimate the Republicans, so it should scare the living daylight out of every Democrat when the polls are on our side.

Photo Cred: Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images