Radical Left Lawmakers On The Rise Thanks To Gavin Newsom

Written by: Nathaniel Mannor

The days of old-school Democrats are over as new radicals emerge in the democratic party. In the 2018 midterm elections, the viral plague known as “The Squad” spread throughout the Democratic party and infected their integrity. These demons include Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, AOC, and Ayanna Pressley, taking the stage by force. Now their numbers have increased to include Cori Bush and Jamal Bowman. Not only that, but they’ve only gotten louder and, therefore, more annoying. But this isn’t just a problem at the national level as California heads down the same path.

In 2020 the American Conservative Union Federation (ACFU) found that of the 120 lawmakers in the state legislature, members of the “Coalition of the Radical Left” increased from 71 to 73 in just two years. The ACFU ranks politicians as radical leftists if they oppose conservatives on at least 90% of issues, meaning that over 60% of California lawmakers represent the political fringe. So basically, the Squad has a supermajority and can sign into law whatever madness they please here in the “Golden” state.

Just in case that doesn’t let the message sink in, here’s a list of backward legislation that now governs our lives:

  • AB 2218 funds transgender surgeries (without parental consent) using taxpayer dollars.

  • AB 685 allows OSHA to close businesses if they don’t comply with Covid-19 guidelines (you know, the ones that change every five seconds)

  • AB 860 sends mail-in ballots to all registered voters regardless of consent.

  • AB 2847 bans 496 types of handguns, trampling on our Second Amendment right.

  • AB 2405 forces taxpayers to chip in $10 billion for “free” housing.

“It’s no wonder so many Californians were desperate to recall Governor Gavin Newsom when the issues he prioritizes are attacking private businesses, locking down the state, and restricting important constitutional rights. California is crumbling because of Governor Newsom’s leftist policies, and it’s only getting worse because a growing number of California lawmakers have become infatuated with socialism,” CPAC Chairman Matt Schlapp explained.

One bill that never saw the light of day was rejected by 57% of voters in the 2020 election that allows companies to discriminate against race, sex, color, ethnicity, or place of origin. So at least we’re not bringing back segregation policies yet. But seeing how a majority of Californians balk at the radical Left’s agenda shows us that the state legislature does not represent the people of California. Democrats want representation based on race, while we the people want representation based on values because ideas always supersede immutable characteristics.


Photo from: Cal Matters