Clairmont Community Is Unimpressed By Planning Commission

Written by: Nathaniel Mannor

It’s a simple fact that California is running out of housing. Thus the housing crisis in California continues to spiral out of control as prices soar beyond what most people can meet. This led to Californians voting with their feet by leaving the Golden State behind for a red state to call home, the first time California lost population in recent history. So, of course, one solution is to build more homes for people, thereby driving down the price. But like everything in California, people can’t seem to agree on the uncontroversial.

This past Thursday, a group of San Diego planners proposed constructing 5,680 new homes in Claremont. The plan places most new units near the $2.1 billion trolley line, much to the chagrin of residents who balk at adding to the 32,955 homes already in the area. Like the people of Claremont, the planning commission also hated the pitch but for the exact opposite reason.

Members of the commission believe that 5,680 new homes are not enough to solve the housing shortage in Claremont and proposed their plan of up to 11,000 dwellings. Additionally, they wish to remove the 30-foot height limit of all abodes, something the planners sought to keep. “We need to eliminate height limits around the trolley line,” Planning Commissioner Matthew Boomhower mentioned.

It’s understandable that locals see increased housing (i.e., new people) as a threat to their community’s character and prefer as few outside influences as possible. After all, I wouldn’t want more housing units to ruin my suburban lifestyle. That said, we have to make some sacrifices to save our towns and cities, and ultimately our state. So right now, the best move is to increase homes (where possible) and get homeless people off our streets to make California great again. We are the Golden State; let’s start living up to our name.


Photo from: ClairmontPG