Cruz: South Texas Democrats May Leave Party Over ‘Open Borders’

Written by: Nathaniel Mannor

The Democrats haven’t been taking their daily dose of reality. They believe men can become women, that voter ID laws are racist, and sexualizing young children is not only reasonable but necessary (among other insanities). The Democrats also think that halting illegal immigration makes us appear intolerant, even though every nation has the right to defend its borders. But now, the looney lefties are finally waking up.

In the past few weeks, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) traveled around Southern Texas and discussed the current state of affairs with local officials. During an interview with Laura Ingraham on Fox News, Cruz shared his findings. “Most of the local elected officials in South Texas are Democrats, and that’s long been a Democratic area of the state. I got to tell you, every elected Democrat I met with was so horrified by what’s happening at the border. They said to me over and over again, they said, Listen, if the Democratic Party is the party of open borders, count me out. I can’t support this.”

Senator Cruz commented on how out of touch Federal Democrats are with their Texas counterparts to make matters worse. “And yet today’s Washington Democrats, there’s not a single one of them who cares. Joe Biden won’t go down to the border; Kamala Harris won’t go down to the border of the Rio Grande Valley. She won’t go to Del Rio. They insist these problems aren’t happening and this lawlessness – we’re already at 1.2 million illegal immigrants, we’re on a path to 2 million. And as long as Joe Biden and Kamala Harris refuse to apply the law, it’s going to keep getting worse.”

Securing our border should not be a political issue. But in the name of “tolerance,” the tyrannical majority refuses to take notice. Charlie Kirk of Turning Point USA says borders tell us where good ideas start and where bad ideas end. And the Democrats are dead-set on destroying our values.


Photo from: Bill O’Leary (pool) / Getty Images