Thousands Of Migrants Detained Under Border Bridge In Texas

Written by: Nathaniel Mannor

Shortly after Joe Biden took office, the Southern border saw a surge of migrants entering the United States illegally. The situation exacerbated to such a degree that Texas Senators John Cornyn and Ted Cruz organized a visit to the border along the Rio Grande with 17 other GOP senators in a press conference earlier this year. But today, the worst is yet to come.

In Del Rio, Texas, the number of illegal migrants has passed 12,000, and the makeshift camps can no longer contain them. The drastic influx of illegal immigrants has led to available shuttle buses to carry excess migrants off to other locations. However, the auxiliary transportation isn’t enough to meet current demands as more immigrants arrive than the buses can move.

The Border Patrol closed down highway inspection checkpoints as personnel was needed down at the camps to alleviate the crisis. Val Verde County Sheriff Joe Frank Martinez exclaimed how he felt that the federal government had turned their back on Texas as they are in a state of emergency.

How did the border situation go downhill so fast? It’s because of the president’s America Last policy of turning a blind eye to migrants rushing into the United States. If Joe Biden took a hawkish stance on curbing illegal immigration, the Left would label him a racist, and he’s more concerned with his sagging image than doing his job to protect Americans.

The other reason for Biden’s incompetence stems from political convenience. Why do you think Biden wants more Mexican immigrants to enter the U.S. but snarls at Cuban refugees fleeing communist Cuba? The reason is that Mexican immigrants tend to vote Democratic while Cuban immigrants are more right-leaning. More importantly, if undocumented immigrants are counted in the census and given a path to citizenship, they will add blue seats in the House of Representatives and expand upon the Leftist majority. This is not about humanitarianism, this is purely partisan pandering, and it needs to stop now.


Photo from: U.S. Rep. Tony Gonzales, R-Texas