What’s At Stake If Newsom Escapes The Recall

Written by: Nathaniel Mannor

The recall election is this Tuesday, in what is guaranteed to be a pivotal moment in California history. If Newsom were to get recalled, California would finally become free from his shackles of corruption and incompetence. However, if he is not, plenty of controversial legislation still on his agenda that will inevitably be pushed through. So let’s take a look at what California could see if Newsom stays in power.

SB 2 gives the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training the power to decertify officers of wrongdoing. This also creates an advisory board of civilians without policing experience to suggest whether the commission should fire these cops.

For all the leftist talk about following the “experts,” it’s pretty hypocritical that Democratic politicians are letting private citizens determine the fate of policemen without any knowledge of the policing system. That, combined with the media’s insistence that cops target black people for no reason (which is false), makes it much harder for law enforcement to handle crimes when public opinion dictates their every move.

AB 101 makes ethnic studies, such as critical race theory (CRT), mandatory to graduate in California. However, ethnic studies such as CRT shames white kids for being born a particular race and encourages narcissistic attitudes among minority children (even though we shouldn’t celebrate or castigate any race).

Additionally, the bill indoctrinates children into thinking that Israel, the one source of human rights and freedom in the Middle East, oppresses the Palestinians. They don’t tell you that in Palestine, women are treated as literal punching bags, gay people are routinely thrown off of buildings, and the people there dream of committing mass genocide against the Jews.

AB 107 prevents companies from discouraging workers from following Covid-19 guidelines set by the CDC, even though the CDC has become a political tool of the Left to encourage lockdowns forever. Moreover, the bill introduced by Lorena Gonzalez allows the government to regulate the practices of private corporations. Opponents acknowledge that robust laws for protecting workers already exist. Yet the Left strikes again, taking one further step into the private sector and moving farther away from freedom.

Ab 123 raises paid leave benefits by 60-90% of a workers’ highest wages within 12 months. This is controversial as increasing benefits incentivizes workers not to return to the office and saw when America tried to re-open after the Covid-19 pandemic. Their reluctance to start working again forced businesses to cut benefits to encourage Americans to go back to work. Lorena Gonzalez claims this bill protects workers’ rights, but it reinforces their “right” not to contribute to the economy and become dependent on the government. But I’m sure that was her plan all along.

SB 224 mandates mental health education in middle and high schools, such as signs of mental health struggles, ways to seek help, and steps to reaching a positive mental state. Teaching kids about mental health issues is great given the rise in anxiety the pandemic introduced us to. We live in a society that once believed mental health struggles to be signs of “hellishness” that now recognizes wellness for what it shows our progress. But some wellness courses (at least that I’ve seen) demonstrate the falsehood of “feelings over facts.”

For example, they are presenting the myth of unlimited genders as a fact of life. When challenged on this, the teacher pivots and says that they’re looking out for the mental wellbeing of the children, as “denying” a person’s perceived identity “harms” them. Again, a positive mentality is good, but we must clarify that facts are irrefutable while children suffer from mental health stigmas.

Ab 48 limits the use of tear gas and rubber bullets when dealing with unruly protestors. There’s just one problem, what are police supposed to use to protect themselves? While these methods are painful, the alternative (actual bullets that kill people) is much worse. But in the clown capitol of California, public outrage rules supreme.

Finally, there’s AB 1084, the most insidious bill yet. This monstrosity forces toy stores to provide gender-neutral toy sections or face fines from $250-$500 for not complying. This allows the government to control the private sector in a top-down style, but it also pushes the narrative of gender fluidity. For all of human history, gender has been binary, with males and females having different anatomy. But the social justice left controlling California craves the loyalty of everyone under their umbrella of authoritarianism.

Gavin Newsom has not signed any of these bills yet, but judging from his will to stay in power, the governor will do anything to hold onto his gubernatorial seat. These last three years of Newsom’s reign prove beyond the shadow of reasonable doubt that our governor is unfit to hold public office and must be removed on September 14. The day of reckoning is here, and it is time to hold corrupt leaders accountable. Vote Yes on the recall election and make the Golden State gold once more.


Photo from: Anne Wernikoff, CalMatters