Nathan Fletcher Says San Diego Is Too Stupid To Research COVID-19

Written by: William Hekman

Multiple groups are criticizing supervisor Nathan Fletcher for an Instagram post he made attacking those who research COVID and disagree with his viewpoints. His post came only hours after anti-lockdown groups such as ReOpen San Diego, Let Them Breathe, and San Diego Rise Up, held a rally outside the County Board of Supervisors meeting. The demonstration rallied for all business and government agencies not to request vaccination proof as a requirement for employment. Once the meeting opened up, the three groups voiced their opinions, criticizing the board for overreaching and disregarding the constitution.

In response, Supervisor Nathan Fletcher made a lengthy post on his Instagram account calling out those who criticized him and even calling them too dumb to do their own research. Fletcher wrote, “Please stop saying you ‘researched it.’ You didn’t research anything and it’s highly probable that you don’t even know how to do so.” Fletcher also wrote that those who disagreed with his COVID policies did not understand objectivity when looking at resources and stories on COVID.

He continued to state: “Did you ask yourself why this source may publish these particular results? Did you follow the trail of references and apply the same source of scrutiny to them? No? Then you didn’t fucking research anything. You read or watched a video, most likely with no objectivity. You came across something in your algorithm manipulated feed, something that jived with your implicit bias and served your confirmation bias.” It certainly seems that the groups protesting Fletcher’s COVID policies have gotten under his skin quite a bit.

Fletcher’s response has certainly not gone unnoticed around San Diego, particularly local politicians. Jim Desmond, who serves on the Board of Supervisors with Fletcher and has been a vocal leader in the anti-lockdown movement, tweeted out, “THEY think they’re smarter than you….” An apparent jab at Fletcher. Coronado Mayor Richard Bailey responded to Fletcher, saying, “A PHD. is not required to recognize BS policies.”

Fletcher’s dogmatic remarks are mere generalizations at best. He is engaging in fallacious arguments that attack the people of San Diego in a personal matter by stating they’re dumb. It is truly absurd that a county official, elected by the people of San Diego, denounces his community for not aligning with his beliefs. Nathan Fletcher continues to reveal his true colors. Nathan Fletcher’s mask is falling off, and the people are beginning to see his true character qualities.


Photo from: KFMB