Professor Comes Under Fire For Racial 9/11 Tweet, Saying She Is ‘Disturbed’ About White People Still Talking about 9/11

Written by: William Hekman

A Syracuse assistant Professor has come under heavy fire for tweeting that she is disturbed about how many white people still talk about 9/11 twenty years later. The professor, Jenn M. Jackson, teaches political science and is a contributor to Teen Vogue, according to her Twitter bio.

Jackson notably singled out Andrew Card, George W. Bush’s Chief of Staff, who informed the president of the attacks, “It’s twenty years since 9/11, and I’m still really disturbed by how many white pundits and correspondents talk about it. I’m watching Andy Card and Jeh Johnson on MSNBC. Card just said that 9/11 was the first time that Americans ever felt fear. He said that it was the last morning we woke up without fear and that the ‘terrorists’ succeeded in introducing us to fear.” It did not end there for Jackson. She continued her ridiculous rant by saying the terrorists attacked us because of the United States so-called “heteropatriarchal capitalistic systems.” Her tirade did not stop there. She continued to state:

“We have to be more honest about what 9/11 was and what it wasn’t. It attacked the heteropatriarchal capitalistic systems that America relies upon to wrangle other countries into passivity. It was an attack on the systems many white Americans fight to protect. We have to be clear that the same motivations that animated America’s hypervigilance and responsiveness to ‘terror’ after 9/11 are now motivating the carceral state and anti-immigration policy.”

Needless to say, Jackson’s tweet was received with anger by many pundits. Fox News Contributor Joe Concha and Daily Caller’s Will Ricciardella both criticized her and Syracuse University. New York Post’s Jonathan Levine posted her tweet and her campus profile on his Twitter page. Jackson’s Twitter has since been locked out. However, saved tweets show that she has also supported China and criticized capitalism, “Everyone talks mess about socialism and communism but countries like South Korea and China bent their #COVID19 curves with communal methods. Not capitalistic hoarding,”. The tweet was originally posted in March.

While universities are a bastion of liberal thinking, this goes beyond that and criticizes a day that all Americans continue to mourn. America continuously recommends its youth to pursue higher education. With professors such as Jenn Jackson making outrageous claims, it questions higher education’s integrity and agenda.


Photo from: Fox News