Pence Goes After Biden On Vaccine Mandate, Says It Is “Unlike Anything I Ever Heard From An American President”

Written by: William Hekman

In an interview with Fox and Friends on Friday, former Vice President Mike Pence responded to the vaccine mandate pushed by the Biden Administration and had some harsh criticism for his VP predecessor, now president.

Pence said in the interview, “I have to tell you the president’s speech yesterday was unlike anything I had ever heard from an American president, I mean, to have the president of the United States say that he has been patient but his patience is wearing thin. That’s not how the American people expect to be spoken to by our elected leaders”. Pence said that Biden should instead lead by example and encourage unvaccinated people to get vaccinated, much like the former vice president did in December.

Pence was considered the face of the Trump Administration’s COVID-19 efforts as he was the Chairman of the Task Force on COVID and was responsible for making effective drugs quickly through Operation Warp Speed. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has urged Americans to get the vaccine. However, some still remain skeptical and have criticized the Biden Administration’s efforts to persuade unvaccinated people to get the vaccine.

Pence also stated that the vaccine mandate does not respect state leadership and that Biden’s attacks on governors fighting the mandate is doing a disservice, “ We got governors across the country what they needed when they needed it, and we respected them to make the decisions best for their state. And now to have a president not just scolding the American people but also scolding governors around the country, it is not the American way. And I expect the response they are going to get across the country will prove that.” Pence said that respecting the state’s rights was an essential part of the Coronavirus Task Force when he was in charge.


Photo from: Mark Wilson/Getty Images