Local Nonprofit, Amna Sanctuary, Helps Afghan Refugees

Written by: Andrew Morris

Following the disastrous results of the withdrawal from Afghanistan, and the subsequent takeover by the Taliban, millions of people have fled their homes searching for better conditions.

Dr. Rasha Roshdy, founder of the local nonprofit, Amna Sanctuary, has utilized and repurposed her foundation to accommodate and house refugees in San Diego. “I would really like to have people sleep in a comfortable space,” she stated. “Especially after what they have been through.”

Roshdy, an immigrant herself, understands the struggles many people go through as they come to America to start a new life. Roshdy lived in Egypt as a journalist, but after meeting an American soldier, they got married and moved to Arizona in 1996. Roshdy states that adjusting to the new culture was hard, especially with the language barrier. After the 9/11 attacks, Roshdy moved to San Diego and started her organization.

The first week after the Taliban gained control of Afghanistan, Amna Sanctuary took in 4 Afghan families. However, with the new influx of refugees, conditions are less than ideal. More than 35 families populate the spaces meant to house far fewer, and resources are being stretched thin with the arrival of so many in need.

Roshdy asks that donations be given in food, hygiene products, clothing, and furniture. As many families live in temporary homes, sleeping conditions are less than ideal, as many families sleep on cots instead of proper beds.

Additionally, Roshdy has set up a trauma counseling program.

“It’s gonna have long-term effects. You don’t go through what they went through, and it’s going to add a hurdle to their adjusting to American culture.” She stated.

Amna Sanctuary is in desperate need of money and resources to continue its assistance of these refugees. If you would like to help, you can visit https://amnasanctuary.org/.


Photo from: amnasanctuary.org