Another Clue That Trump Is Eyeing The 2024 Election

Written by: Nathaniel Mannor

On June 30, Fox News’s Sean Hannity interviewed Former President Donald Trump on a potential 2024 run. While he didn’t release his decision, Trump said he decided about facing off again against Joe Biden. Since then, Trump has avoided making a definite announcement but has dropped other hints, such as a scathing attack ad on President Biden after Afghanistan and private conversations suggesting a Trump 2024 campaign.

The latest clue comes as Trump holds a rally in Iowa, the starter state for the presidential primaries. This comes as the former president campaigns for what he considers strong, America First conservatives to replace establishment conservatives and bolster his base. Whether or not Trump decides to run for re-election, his support among the Republican Party is stronger than ever. Every major poll reports that if the former president seeks the White House again, he could easily win the nomination.

Most Republicans predict a Trump campaign for 2024, including Matt Gaetz (R-FL), Jim Jordan (R-OH), and Trump campaign advisor Jason Miller. One person who asked to remain anonymous stated, “he really hasn’t decided, but we all think he’ll run … he wants to get in a position to where it’s a turnkey operation once he says yes. So he’s maximizing his position … the PAC is ostensibly to help win back the House and the Senate. If he does that, it makes his position stronger.” But Trump still has one more hurdle to overcome.

The real question is whether Trump can beat Biden in the general election. As the Midwest becomes more conservative, the 2020 elections saw two solidly red states (Arizona and Georgia) vote for Joe Biden. Additionally, Texas is becoming more of a swing state and could vote blue as early as 2024. Plus, the media have used every smear tactic to paint the president as an agent of hate, and unfortunately, people believe that. So it all comes down to whether swing voters hate Biden’s policies enough to give Trump a second chance. Only time will tell.