New COVID-19 Variant Detected In 49 States

Written by: Nathaniel Mannor

As the Delta Variant weighs on everyone, another variant is making the rounds. All 50 states, except for Nebraska, report cases of the new Mu variant. The new variant originated in Columbia back in January and has since spread throughout the world, enveloping 42 countries. Currently, the virus is most prevalent in Alaska and Hawaii, and California has seen the highest number of cases at 384. However, that only represents 0.2% of coronavirus cases here in the Golden State.

It’s unclear whether or not specific boosters for the Mu variant are needed. The L.A. Public County Health requires additional studies to determine whether or not the new strain is deadlier or more contagious. However, the statement also noted that the vaccine’s effects on Mu are unknown but not immediate. So it makes no sense to continue lockdowns for a variant that poses no significant risk to the public, but that’s the direction we’re heading in.

In the same statement, the L.A. Public County Health said, “The identification of variants like mu, and the spreading of variants across the globe, highlights the need for L.A. County residents to continue to take measures to protect themselves and others. This is what makes getting vaccinated and layering protections so important. These are actions that break the chain of transmission and limits COVID-19 proliferation that allows for the virus to mutate into something that could be more dangerous.” And there you have it. Whatever the risks of the new variant may be, and they could be severe, the Democratic majority sees this as yet another opportunity to force unnecessary lockdowns and continue their reign of terror.

What’s more, with the recall election less than a week away, Newsom could use fear-mongering tactics to brainwash California into voting No and keeping the dictator in power. If we let the tyrant keep his job, not only will California never reopen, but prices and taxes will continue to soar, the homeless crisis will exacerbate, and CRT will plague our schools and children for good. So California, if you’re tired of double standards and living in fear, vote Yes on Recall and vote No for Newsom.


Photo from: WKRN