Newsom Praises Biden’s Departure From Afghanistan

Written by: Nathaniel Mannor

President Biden’s handling of the Afghanistan War was disastrous. He abandoned the Afghan people in their hour of need and sentenced them to an eternity of terrorist rule. The President’s decision also sets a bad precedent for current allies like Taiwan, Saudi Arabia, and Israel. Even the American people, who despise foreign wars, turned against the President as his approval ratings dropped below 50%, the lowest ratings Biden has seen in his short time in the White House. Whenever there’s a crisis, there’s always someone looking to make a buck off of it.

Governor Gavin Newsom praised Biden for withdrawing the troops from Afghanistan, saying how incredibly proud he was of the President. Yet Newsom’s kind words lack sincerity as the President and Vice President consider campaigning with Newsom in a bid to retain their grasp on California. So instead of trying to appeal to the voters, he’s busy sucking up to President Biden.

Biden stated on Twitter, “Gov. [Newsom] is leading California through an unprecedented crisis – he’s a key partner in fighting the pandemic and helping build our economy back better…To keep him on the job, registered voters should vote no on the recall election by 9/14 and keep California moving forward.” While Newsom thinks Biden can help him get re-elected, remember that public opinion has not been in his favor since the fall of the embassy in Kabul. Thus, an endorsement from Biden could hurt Newsom’s electability, causing Democrats to lose their stronghold state. Let’s hope that the voters remember the fall of Kabul come 2024.


Image from: Gage Skidmore via Flickr