Supervisor Jim Desmond Scares Far Left

Written by: Natalia Perez

The usual crowd of partisan, special interest political operatives gathered today at the County Administration Building to attack Supervisor Jim Desmond, who represents North County on the Board of Supervisors. The socialists, big labor bosses, and wealthy lobbyists assembled this morning to launch their campaign to defeat Desmond, one of the most conscientious elected officials in San Diego County. Their ostensible reason was Desmond’s work on behalf of workers and businesses affected by the COVID shutdowns. But, their real reason is the typical big-government agenda. These are the same people who want to impose a mileage tax on every San Diego driver as the way to force us out of our cars and onto the trolley. They also want to defund the police and replace cops and deputies on the street with social workers. And they’ve made no secret of their plan to raise the sales tax on every working family in the county to fund ever higher salaries for public employees.

Supervisor Jim Desmond, by contrast, has made it his top priority during the pandemic to save lives and to save businesses. He has committed himself to get people back to work and kids back in school. As an engineer and an airline pilot, Desmond has been called upon numerous times to evaluate the data and manage risks. From the data, it’s possible to learn who is at the most risk, and that’s where local government health care efforts should be focused. And we know from the data that the focus should be on seniors and people with underlying health conditions. Early on, a better emphasis on vulnerable populations could have reduced the damage caused by shutting down the economy, putting people out of work, and keeping kids out of in-person education and extracurriculars. Jim Desmond has done outstanding work to make us safer and to ensure our local economy continues to flourish. The accomplishments in his first term are impressive and will surely mean that he’ll represent North County for another four years.


 Photo by Jamie Scott Lytle