Federal Judge Forces Biden To Resume Trump’s Border Policy

Written by: Sasha Reva

Last Friday, U.S. District Court Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk said that the Biden administration had violated the laws on procedural grounds. Kacsmaryk highlighted how the Biden administration ignored and overlooked “several of the program’s main benefits” and acted prematurely in ending it. Judge Kacsmaryk’s ruling spelled a significant victory for Missouri and Texas, which have felt immigration exponentially increase under the Biden administration.

This ruling has now reinstated Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” policy, which requires that asylum seekers must wait until the outcome of their U.S. Asylum hearings before entering into the country. Trump’s goal behind his policy was to reduce pressure on overloaded immigration officials and curtail the rate of immigration.

It seems counterintuitive to grant asylum seekers access to America without going through the court system from the outside looking in. Logic would reason that before entering this country, people should first be permitted to do so by the courts, not the other way around.

Now more than ever, our borders struggle with safety and security as increasing levels of illegal immigration continue to sweep through the country. This court ruling will hopefully allow some breathing room for our overburdened immigration officials along our southern border. However, it is unclear how long this breath will last with an administration that has proved to be incompetent with border security.


Photo From Patrick Semansky/AP