Opinion: Democrats Let Cuomo Reign For Too Long

Written by Nathaniel Mannor

It seems like Democrats and Republicans can’t agree on anything anymore. We no longer see eye-to-eye on the most fundamental issues of right and wrong, like the evils of sexual harassment. When Tara Reade accused Joe Biden of sexual assault, Democrats looked the other way, with some saying that Reade should have kept quiet until the election was through, yet tormented Brett Kavanaugh over unsubstantiated allegations. Today, however, Democrats finally ate their own.

On Tuesday, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced his resignation from office. In a televised address, he stated, “Given the circumstances, the best way I can help now is if I step aside and let government get back to government, and therefore that is what I’ll do, because I work for you, and doing the right thing, is doing the right thing for you.” This decision comes as the New York State Legislature prepared for impeachment charges with bipartisan support for the measure.

Cuomo still denied that he inappropriately touched and kissed 11 women who worked for him, saying, “Government operations and wasting energy on distraction is the last thing government should be. I cannot be the cause.” So Cuomo’s saying that he’s stepping down because the government is fixated on him rather than doing their jobs, not that he committed sexual misconduct. How noble of him.

High-profile Democrats applauded Cuomo’s decision, such as New York Senators Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, and even President Biden. They commended the women for coming forward and gave their complete confidence to Kathy Hochul, Lt. Governor and now the first female governor of New York, a symbolic end to this tragic tale.

This may seem like a win for the women he hurt and exploited, but beneath this thin veil lies a darker truth to the matter. Cuomo’s handling of the Covid-19 pandemic, including shipping the elderly back into their Covid infested nursing homes and anti-scientific mask mandates, should have been enough for the people and state legislators to push for either resignation or impeachment. But sexual assault allegations pushed New York to their limit rather than Cuomo’s detrimental leadership. For the Democrats, it’s no longer about policy. They only care about preserving their shattered image.