How You Can Help Recall Gavin Newsom Before Ballots Arrive

Written by Jonathan Du Fault

With the Recall election just around the corner, the Republican Party of San Diego is looking for volunteers to walk neighborhoods and spread the word.

The party will be going door-to-door within 4 communities this month. 

Escondido-  August 21 from 9 A.M.- 3 P.M. 

East County- August 21 from 9 A.M.- 10A.M.

Oceanside- August 22 from 11 A.M- 12 P.M.

Mission Valley- August 22 from 11 A.M- 3 P.M.

Volunteers will be walking door-to-door encouraging people to vote to remove Gov. Newsom on September 14. They will be carrying door hangers and pamphlets explaining how Newsom has overreached his powers and how he has failed at the Mexican-California border. 

Volunteers will also be using the canvassing APP to know what doors to target in each neighborhood. 

You can find all the information about how to volunteer and where to meet here.