Community College Offering “Incentives” To Get Students To Vaccinate

Written by Sasha Reva

While UC and CSU colleges are mandating students to get their vaccines to be able to attend college in person for the fall semester, community colleges such as Los Angeles Mission College are now offering free vaccines with free textbooks and cash incentives. For many students, this may be their first year living on their own, and see the money as a way to pay bills. They are all looking for opportunities to earn some extra cash.

While some students were looking for information on their college, they found that the school was offering $75 just for getting vaccinated. While they might not have planned on getting vaccinated before for a number of different reasons, now they see the chance to earn some quick cash. However, that’s not the only way students can get paid, they can also receive up to $150 when they bring in a family member or a friend.

When the Universities of California and California State University have a mandate for the students and faculty,  California’s 73 community college districts are just encouraging vaccination. Some are offering money, textbooks, or other inducements to get students to sign up. Most of the state’s 116 community colleges will offer in-person and online classes this fall, however, some of the community colleges are requiring a vaccine to be able to be present in in-person classes.