Meet Reform California, One Of The Groups Leading The Recall Newsom Campaign

Written by Brett Wilkins

Political Action Committee Reform California, led by Chairman ex-congressional candidate Carl DeMaio, has been among the leaders of the statewide recall in order to oust California Governor Gavin Newsom in the Democrat stronghold.

As the Recall election slated for September 14th grows closer, the effort to get out the vote as well as information on the Recall continues to grow in importance for Californians who hope to see a new face in the Governor’s mansion.  Within the past month,  Reform California has hosted three events, one near their headquarters in Escondido as well as a rally in Clairmont, San Diego.  Most recently, the PAC held a rally in Irvine California hosting an estimated 700 voters and volunteers who clamored to hear from Carl DeMaio.  Each rally consists of an informational speech from DeMaio expressing how voters can get involved with the recall effort while also hosting local Republican leaders.  Paula Whitsell, head of the San Diego Republican Party made an appearance in both the Escondido and Clairmont rallies, urging Republicans to run for local office.  She claimed that in order to see a change in our lives, individuals must step up and run for local offices citing the closing of parks during the pandemic as repercussions for not running for local parks and recreation seats.

Attendees of the Clairmont rally heard from Marco Contreras, a recent State Assembly candidate who made an appearance and promoted his bid for Chula Vista city council while rally members in Irvine listened to local Republican leaders.  Supporters and California residents interested in helping out with the Recall have been urged to make phone calls and knock on doors as the election draws near.  Reform has made it easier to volunteer, by creating a sign-up link on their website.

Californians wanting to see Newsom out of office, are encouraged to help in any way they can, from volunteering, making a donation, and spreading the word to vote YES on Recall this fall.