These California Counties Are Going Back Into Lockdown, But Newsom Isn’t Behind It This Time

Written by Nathaniel Mannor

Today 62.9% of Californians are fully vaccinated with 44,102,921 vaccine doses administered by California healthcare providers. So now feels like the time to roll back Covid regulations as nearly two-thirds of Californians are protected against the virus, and we can now go back to our routine, pre-pandemic lives. Except that new restrictions are already on their way, but they’re not coming from Newsom this time.

Ten counties on Monday forced their residents to wear masks at all times indoors, even for the fully vaccinated. These counties include Los Angeles, Sacramento, Yolo, and seven Bay Area counties, accounting for 50% of California’s population. The response has been chaotic. For example, in West Oakland, customers at a local grocery store began harassing employees and assaulting them with their produce. Of course, abusing others is a severe crime for which there is no excuse, but this reaction illustrates how these directives have affected the mental wellbeing of our state.

What’s worse is that some areas mandate vaccines for all students and faculty in the UC and CSU college systems without considering that some may have legitimate concerns about the vaccine, such as underlying health issues. The madness has to stop, and it needs to stop now.

This perverted notion that we can stop the spread of Covid with all sorts of Unconstitutional instructions violates the fact that Covid will always be here. New variants, such as Delta, will continue to spring up occasionally, as with all other diseases. Does this mean that we all mask up in the winter to avoid catching the flu? Try that and see just how well people take it.