Disneyland Requires Vaccines For Non-Union Employees, But Union Members Are Off The Hook

Written by Nathaniel Mannor

With the Covid-19 pandemic coming to an end, Americans are shedding their masks and returning to their every day, pre-Covid lifestyles, except for the fact that our Democratic overlords keep pushing vaccine madness onto the American people. From their insistence that after people get vaccinated, they still have to wear masks, now significant companies are forcing their workers to get the vaccine if they still wish to work. Google, Netflix, Facebook, Walmart, and Lyft have already instituted these demands, and now a new corporation joins them.

Both Disneyland and Disneyworld require a fully vaccinated status for their employees. In a statement released by Disney, they stated that “…based on the latest recommendations of scientists, health officials and our own medical professionals that the COVID-19 vaccine provides the best protection against severe infection, we are requiring that all salaried and non-union hourly employees in the U.S. working at any of our sites be fully vaccinated.” Oh really? The same experts who flip-flopped on every significant issue regarding Covid, from mask-wearing to opening schools to whether or not the vaccines work?

On top of that, not all cast members have to vaccinate yet, as unions received unfair favor due to their political influence. While a statement from Disney stated that they are talking about vaccinating their union members, no such initiatives are in place. This further shows the hypocrisy of the Left’s vaccine tirades that only certain people (the people who donate to them) are exempt from vaccination status.

Disney officials also claimed that these vaccine mandates would help fight against rising case rates within America. But that ignores the fact that just because Covid cases spur, it doesn’t mean that death rates are increasing. The Covid death rates dramatically fell as millions of Americans got vaccinated. Of course, everyone should get the vaccine to help us fight against Covid, but people should assess their risk level if they chose not to vaccinate themselves. Forcing people to get inoculated against their will is a violation of our civil liberties.