Despite Newsom Bringing In $40 Million In Support, Polls Are Still Trending Against Him

Written by Jamie Parsons

The main committee tasked with defending governor Newsom against the recall has raised around $40.6 million, most of which is coming from a small group of powerful individuals and groups. However, even though the money raised is perceived as good news for Newsom, 49% of California voters support the recall, and as the recall gets closer that percentage is only getting larger.

Newsom’s largest donors for his recall campaign are companies and individuals hailing the state’s business community and organized labor. According to “Times of San Diego”,  companies and individuals who are associated with the business community in California, make up 36% of the $40.6 million raised in Newsom’s campaign. Organized labor makes up the largest amount, with 45% of the total amount raised.

Although opponents of the recall have raised the majority of the total money accumulated for the recall, with supporters only making up $5.4 million out of $45.9 million raised, that does not mean they will hold as large of a margin over California votes than recall supporters. For instance, on July 27th, the Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies (IGS) released a poll that found out that 47% of California voters supported the recall whereas 50% opposed the recall. And as the recall election continues to get closer, the percentage of California supporters rises; currently 49% of California voters support the recall.

The amount of money raised from both sides of the recall election also doesn’t guarantee that opponents will hold a lead in votes. According to “Times of San Diego,” “Last year, a campaign to repeal state restrictions on affirmative action outraised the opposition nearly 17-to-1, while racking up endorsements from every corner of California power and influence. It failed by 14 percentage points.” It is not far-fetched to believe Newsom’s recall election could have a different result than the results of the money raised in the election, due to the fact that Newsom’s campaign is perceived to be the favored side in the recall but in reality, his campaign holds fewer voters just whom at which have more money to donate.

As Newsom scrambles to collect donations in efforts to stop the recall, his opponents only continue to grow. And in the end, the recall will not be determined by the amount of money raised from both sides, but by the amount of California votes each side receives.