Everything You Need To Know About Newsom’s Recall Election

Written by Amanda Angulo

On Thursday, the Registrar of Voters announced that all registered voters in San Diego County will be receiving their ballots in the mail for the gubernatorial recall election, which has been set to happen on September 14th.

Two questions will be asked. The first will ask whether Newsom should be recalled and if voting “yes”, the following question will ask who should replace him. If over 50% of voters answer “yes” to the first question, then the candidate that received the most votes will become governor, even if this candidate did not receive over 50%. 

These ballots will begin to be seen in mailboxes in the week of August 16th, which allows voters a chance to vote nearly a month in advance. This also provides voters enough time to take their ballot to drop-off locations around the county. 

In addition, early in-person voting will also be available for only four days, between the times of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. starting on Saturday, September 11th until Monday, September 13th. Poles will also be open on election day. That makes five full days of in-person voting and nearly one month of mail-in voting. 

The Registrar of Voters has also been urging all registered voters to check their status online to ensure all their information is correct and up-to-date.

After a year of recall efforts, pandemic regulations, and draconian executive orders done by Newsom, it is important not to lose sight of the importance of this gubernatorial recall. Businesses have been shut down at the hands of Newsom’s mismanagement of the economy. Students have suffered online school as well as their parents, while Newsom lied about his own kids being in Zoom school, when in reality they were learning in-person at a private school. Gov. Newsom was caught in hypocrisy time and time again, but first seen happening at the French Laundry, when he was telling every Californian to social distance, wear masks, and not dine indoors. He was seen doing none of these at his lobbyist friend’s birthday party. 

How can we keep a liar and hypocrite in office whose only interest is to save himself from the recall? When he labeled this recall as a “Republican-led recall”, he offended the 2 million voters who comprised all party lines, not just Republicans.