Republican Party Of San Diego County Joins Movement To Increase Public Comments In Local Board And Council Meetings

Written by Will Seykora

The Republican Party Of San Diego County has joined forces with the People’s Association of Justice Advocates (PAJ) to help push a policy initiative called “Boost Democracy” which is focused on implementing a call or text system for constituents to be able to share public comments during local board and council meetings. They describe this initiative as “A nonpartisan inter-government agency initiative to improve constituent communications at San Diego government agencies public meetings with a text and call automated system for board & council meetings throughout and following the COVID-19 pandemic.”

In their memo, PAJ brings up the issues that constituents may face under the current conditions, including wait times as long as an hour on the phone to be able to comment on their agenda item, possible disenfranchisement of the voters these agenda items affect the most, and the fact that over the past year the current system has fallen apart due to the lack of in-person opportunities for constituents to voice their concerns.

Other supporters of this proposal include the President of Parents for Quality Education, the President of the Latino American Political Association, the Director of the North County Equity & Justice Coalition, and the California Charter Schools Association.

You can read their full memorandum and list of supporters here.