Biden Under Pressure From Dems To Help Pass The “For The People Act”

Written by Will Seykora

Joe Biden has clearly been “hands-off” since being sworn in as President of the United States, however, now his approach is beginning to worry some Democrat lawmakers as they attempt to pass the unconstitutional “For The People Act” to no success. New York Democrat Mondaire Jones visited the White House last week to witness Joe Biden announce Juneteenth as a federal holiday. While there he attempted to convince the President to get more involved in passing the For The People Act.

However, Joe Biden hasn’t been one to give answers, and this time, according to Jones, Biden “just sort of stared at me.” Leading the New York Representative to realize how little Biden actually wants to get Democrat bills passed. Jones further said, “President Obama, for his part, has been doing more to salvage our ailing democracy than the current president of the United States of America.”

The For The People Act (Otherwise known as H.R. 1), was first introduced in 2019 as a bill to expand voting rights, change campaign finance laws, and limit gerrymandering. However, after failing to pass in the then-Republican held Senate the bill went cold for two years. Now that the Democrats have control of the Senate again they are hoping to push it through but have faced serious roadblocks as two Democrat Senators have refused to vote yes until there is more bi-partisan support.

The bill has not gained a single Republican vote in the Senate due to some of the ridiculous demands and legislation listed in the bill. These include the restoration of voting rights for all convicted felons, the abolishment of Voter I.D. laws, and Federal oversight of any changes made by states to their elections.

As Biden’s approval rating continues to see a decline, his continued lack of action in the Oval Office could be disastrous for not only Democrats but the country as a whole.