Former President Trump Speaks Out Against Critical Race Theory In Schools

In a recently published article on RealClearPolitics, former President Donald J. Trump spoke out against the rise of critical race theory(CRT) and why he believes the left is using CRT as a tool to indoctrinate children from a young age through the educational system. He also goes in-depth to describe ways he believes we can solve the problem that is CRT.

Trump begins by condemning CRT, saying that “this deeply unnatural effort has progressed from telling children that their history is evil to telling Americans that they are evil.” Trump goes on to express his belief that CRT is leading America further and further away from Martin Luther King’s vision of America as a place where people “are not judged by the color of their skin, but rather by the content of their character” due to the fact that the basis of critical race theory is rooted in judging people by their race.

As the article progresses, Trump gives ways he believes we as Americans can combat the use of CRT. These include: banning taxpayer money on schools using CRT, states creating their own 1776 commission to examine public school systems, parents being informed on what their kids are being taught, parents organizing locally to combat the use of CRT, parents objecting to their kids being taught CRT, states ensuring their teachers are not radical, and states breaking the tenure monopoly in public K-12 schools. 

All of these solutions Trump laid out seem to be practical ways to combat the use of CRT in our schools, but now it is up to the rest of us to play our part. 

To see his full statement click here