Obamacare Is Still Costing Americans Hundreds Per Month

Written by Amanda Angulo

The whole point of what was previously known as the Affordable Care Act was to provide individuals accessible and cheap healthcare to Americans. Yet, the law had included new mandates and regulations that do the opposite.

Not only has Obamacare been expanding at increasingly fast rates but individuals under the Affordable Care Act have been getting fewer and fewer choices and benefits. How is that helping all of those under Obama’s health care act if it is limiting the amount of healthcare they are able to receive? 

According to The Heritage Foundation, a new data tool has been able to demonstrate the effects of health care law nationwide and in states. In nearly every state, the cost of health insurance has doubled. Since 2013, the cost has gone up from $244 to $558 in 2019, which is a 129% increase. In 40 states, the average cost for premium monthly health care coverage has more than doubled by the year 2019. 

In fact, Alabama, Nebraska, Missouri, West Virginia, and Wyoming have seen the average costs for insurance triple. Also, considering what Obamacare covers in comparison to today is devastating. Back in 2013, before the implementation of the health care act, there were 395 health care insurers selling coverage in all states. In 2018, it took the hardest hit with only 181 insurers. Now, in 2021, there are 253 insurers offering coverage in Obamacare exchanges. This results in the exchanges of this year being 36% less competitive than the market before Obamacare. 

Now, Americans who were looking for help and relief through signing up for the Affordable Care Act are ending up with sub-par healthcare. All while costing Americans hundreds every time they get a check-up.