Lorena Gonzalez Tells Californians To “Get Over It” After Forcing Them To Stay Inside For Over A Year

Written by Will Seykora

Early Tuesday morning Lorena Gonzalez tweeted her first thoughts on California’s reopening. What did she have to say to Californians who are outraged about being locked down for over a year only to have a vaccine mandated for them to get back to normalcy?

“Get over it.”

Instead of sharing any amount of sympathy for the families, businesses, and children who suffered due to the lockdowns and restrictions put in place she claimed “California successfully crippled the pandemic, we are in the best economic condition in decades, and life is returning (safely) to normal! AND you are alive!”

Lorena Gonzalez must have forgotten that California was one of the last states to reopen, most states have reopened successfully over the past eight months and have seen little to no increases in COVID cases. She also must not have coordinated with Gavin Newsom about which narrative they’re pushing, with Newsom stating “This disease has not been extinguished. It’s not vanished; it’s not taking the summer months off.”

Well, which is it? Is the pandemic crippled, as Gonzalez is saying, or is it still posing a threat? The only thing California legislatures successfully crippled in the past year has been the California economy and California job market. California is still at an 8% unemployment rate, with a never before seen six-figure population decline due to the destructive policies of California’s radical elected Democrats.

However, maybe Lorena Gonzalez isn’t talking about the job market or population growth, maybe she’s talking about the “surplus” in cash California announced earlier this year. Most of that money actually belongs to the Federal Government. Newsom said the state has a $75 billion surplus, however, the Legislative Analyst’s Office sent out a report that actually estimated the surplus to be only $38 billion. Still a lot of extra cash however California state legislators are still planning on raising taxes again this year. AB 1253 proposes raising the top tax rate to 14.3%, along with a continuous rise in gas taxes which on July 1st, will officially hit $1 in total taxes per gallon.

Maybe Lorena Gonzalez needs to re-evaluate her response to Californians who are clearly sick and tired of the constant belittling of their issues by Sacramento elites who have been out of touch with their constituents since taking office. However, I’m sure most Californians would rather just see her out of office at this point.