Democrats Haven’t Given Up On The High Speed Rail Scam

Written by Alex Hays

The California high-speed railway was a proposition that was thrown in as a method of transportation, an 800 Mile track going 200 mph between Los Angeles and San Francisco, the train can get to Los Angeles in 2 hours and 30 minutes. On paper, it seems all well and good, public transportation between two distant cities allows for better ease of travel and provides more job opportunities for those living between the cities

However, in reality, the proposition allocated $9.95 billion in bonds for the project. Now six years after construction began, voters are realizing it has been nothing more than a scam to get more taxpayer dollars. The project now needs over $4 billion more to “finish” construction.

The look of the new railway system is very badly planned for one, second immature use of taxpayer funds and government funds making this whole project look like a big pyramid scheme for the Democrats and making it look rather corrupt to the eyes of many. The California Chamber of Commerce a non-profit organization that funds and stimulates the economy while creating new job positions. Other opposition besides includes Howard Jarvis Taxpayer Association. The taxpayers association is a non-profit organization that objects to any tax-increasing proposition which California Proposition 1a does to fund the 800-mile railway which is nearing a $13.8 billion price tag.

This whole proposition is a really big misuse of taxpayer funds which sways and miss leads the voter into funding a badly planned idea and a totally corrupt proposition which aims to take Californians’ money and exploit the taxpayers. The idea of an 800 mile stretch of rail line sounds promising and good on paper as a way of quick travel in a relatively short amount of time but in practice, the construction would take an arduous amount of time and more misused funds to go toward another failed plan by Democrats.