Republican Congresswoman’s House Vandalized By Antifa

Written by Will Hekman

Freshman Congresswoman Nancy Mace of South Carolina had her house vandalized with Antifa symbols and profanity spray-painted. The perpetrators spray-painted statements such as, “F*** you Nancy”, “all politicians are bastards”, “no good no masters”, and “pass the Pro Act”. 

Mace resides in her home with her two middle school-aged children and is a single mom.”I’m a single mom and this is where I’m raising my family,” Mace told Fox News. “Rhetoric has reached, I think, an all-time high. And we’ve got to take it down a notch because real words have real consequences on real people in real life.” Mace was elected in 2020 to South Carolina’s 1st district, defeating one-term incumbent Democrat Joe Cunningham by around 6,000 votes. 

Mace also seemed to have used the vandalism at her home to criticize President Biden and others who have labeled Antifa as an “idea” and not an organization. “It’s awful and it also goes to show that Antifa isn’t just an ideology, you know, as some want to call it,” Mace said. “These are real people with criminal intent. There was Antifa graffiti with this.” Mace has filed a police report with the Charleston Police Department. This is the second time that Mace has been targeted. On October 6th her car was keyed with expletives. 

There has been a massive increase in threats made to Congress members. According to the Capitol Police, the number of threats made to members of Congress has increased by 107%  this year as compared to 2020. Mace is not the only Republican lawmaker to have been targeted recently. Kentucky Senator Rand Paul had a mysterious package with white powder delivered to his house along with an image of him bandaged and bruised with a note saying, “I’ll finish what your neighbor started you motherf*****”. Paul blamed 80s singer Richard Marx for inspiring violence against him after Marx tweeted support for Paul’s neighbor, Rene Boucher, who attacked Paul in 2017. The tweet has since been removed by Twitter. 

Mace posted a video to her YouTube channel showcasing the vandalism. She also spoke about how the safety of her two children is at risk due to the rise of political violence. A graffiti removal team has removed the vandalism from her house.