Newsom Funds Vax-Checkers For Door-to-Door Vaccine Persuasion

Written by Will Seykora

Two thousand people have been hired by California to knock on doors and persuade people to get vaccinated. This campaign, started by Healthy Future California, has $10 million in funding from the State of California and is already underway in Los Angeles, Riverside, Sacramento, San Diego, along with nine other counties.

According to Gavin Newsom, these two thousand people have been hired to target those who are “vaccine-hesitant” claiming the employees are meant “to make peer-to-peer appeals and provide support to help overcome barriers to vaccinations.”

What Newsom doesn’t understand is that a personal choice to not get the rushed and under-tested vaccine is not a barrier, but a right as an American citizen. Healthy Future California has so far knocked on over 200,000 doors, made 1.3 million calls, and only scheduled 13,000 appointments. From $10 million in funding, these vaccine checkers have only managed to persuade .08% of the people they have talked to into getting the vaccine. Money well spent according to Veronica Carrizales from Healthy Future California “For most part people are happy to see us there are their doors,”

Those hired to knock on doors are usually neighbors or residents of the areas they are walking in, making this peer pressure tactic all the more apparent. Despite a reported 40-50% of health care workers passing on the vaccine, along with 40-50% of employees at the CDC, Newsom still wants to push this vaccine as much as possible.

If you want some background on the organization running this campaign, Healthy Future California. Well, there isn’t any. The California Domestic Non-Profit was filed on April 1, 2021. Just over a month ago. Newsom has put a lot of trust into an organization with little background and seemingly no information on who founded it or who is on the board of directors. Ten million dollars of taxpayer money into a group with no reputation to speak of.

Seem a bit odd to anyone? Probably because it is.

Photo Via Voice of San Diego/ Adriana Heldiz