Biden Betrays American Workers

Written by Amanda Angulo

One of the most disruptive and dangerous pieces of legislation in recent history has silently and quickly been moved into the Senate, and the only way to stop this harmful legislation is through a filibuster. 

This legislation, a potential threat to the livelihoods and interest of the American people has been labeled as the “Protect the Right to Organize”, also known as the “PRO Act” – H.R. 842. This bill has support from extreme socialists who hope to tear down the foundations of capitalism in America and is opposed by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the National Retail Federation. Businesses do not want this bill passed. It would destroy the lives of many entrepreneurs

It would crush right-to-work laws in 27 states and a provision of the bill includes one that is similar to California’s Assembly Bill 5, forcing independent contractors to unionize, which plummeted the gig economy of California last year as a result of Democrat policies influencing our workplace.

The PRO Act will also prevent companies from replacing striking employees. By ending states’ right-to-work laws, this bill will result in employees no longer having the right to choose whether or not to join a union. In addition, right-to-work laws prevent employees from having to pay union dues payments as a requirement for working.

Lastly, the bill would also expand the definition of employee and reduce the definition of employer. According to Littler’s Workplace Policy Institute, the bill “would compel employers to terminate independent contractor relationships or submit to the added burdens of converting independent contractors to regular employees despite the preference of many contractors to remain independent”. 

We’ve seen firsthand in California how when Democrats propose bills to “protect workers” they end up destroying businesses, killing careers, and ruining lives. To do this at a national level would cause chaos in an already struggling economy and would ultimately lead to a massive amount of jobs disappearing just as Americans are getting back to work.