La Jolla Country Day School Teaches Leftist Gender Identity Curriculum

Written by Andrew Morris

Parents are concerned their students are being taught a heavily biased curriculum at La Jolla Country Day School (LJCD). The parents learned from their students that the school was reading the book, “It feels good to be yourself,” by Theresa Thorn, which pointedly influences the kids into thinking far-left gender ideas are natural. Parents reached out to KUSI news regarding the issue to halt the leftist teachings of their young children of only seven or eight years of age.

“Some people are boys. Some people are girls. Some people are both, neither or somewhere in between,” a passage reads. The teachers went further still, discussing “acceptance of identity” commending how it is a normal occurrence to be gender fluid, and no one should comment otherwise. Additionally, the parents reported they had no knowledge of the class, nor could their child opt-out of these sessions. 

Following the initial reading, the students talked about pronouns and what the idea means to them, according to the LJCD Lower School head, Payton Hobbs.

Such leftist propaganda is not uncharacteristic of the school, as another incident hit the press last November, detailing an older student who was reprimanded for wearing an “offensive” MAGA hat to class.

“[H]is mom said that she is embarrassed by his actions. She will fulfill her role as a parent. We will continue to grow as a community that sees and values the dignity of all people,” asserted an email addressing the issue. Yet clearly according to them valuing “the dignity of all people” does not include a select few independent thinking students.

It is important to note the school tuition for the prestigious LJCD school ranges from $16,560 to $37,130 annually. Thus parents are paying tuition equivalent to some colleges in order for their child to be fed Leftist propaganda.