Biden’s Far-Left Address to Congress

Written by Amanda Angulo

On Wednesday, President Joe Biden gave his joint address to a very small number of members of Congress, on the eve of his 100th day as commander-in-chief. 

During the speech, Biden talked about his “American Jobs Plan”, which he says he plans on pay off by increasing taxes on the rich. The White House is trying to sell this plan as an infrastructure effort, yet there is a very small percentage of the bill dedicated to what people would typically classify as infrastructure.

On Good Morning San Diego, Congressman Darrel Issa, representing the 50th congressional district in California, reacted to Biden’s speech and plan by claiming that “this is an extreme agenda of completely partisan proposals.” Rep. Issa goes on to mention that this is a classical old-democratic move with a lot of AOC included. 

Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina also had some words for Biden. He gave the GOP’s rebuttal speech. In the 14 minute video, Sen. Scott emphasized that the speech given did not demonstrate true effort of unity and offered no common ground. 

“Locking vulnerable kids out of their classrooms, is locking adults out of their future” Scott states. He went on to explain that if the rest of the world opened up their schools months ago, and if our private and religious schools did, then there was no reason for millions of children here in America to miss out on a whole school year of learning. The science even showed that schools were safe to go back to, but powerful leaders in our country looked away at the science and left kids behind.

In addition, Biden did not give credit where credit is due, in regards to the rapid movement of the vaccines. As he tried to take full credit for the movement of the vaccine rollout, Sen. Scott made sure to give praise to former President Trump, “Thanks to Operation Warp Speed by the Trump Administration, our country is flooded with safe and effective vaccines.”

Furthermore, Scott mentioned that last year, under Pres. Trump’s Administration, we were able to pass five COVID packages and all got 90 votes in the Senate. Under Republican leadership, America was much more united in comparison to today’s administration.

Senator Lindsey Graham slammed Biden in a statement after the speech, saying, “The bottom line tonight: If I ever hear that Joe Biden’s a moderate again, I’m going to throw up. Because after tonight, he embraced socialism. He made Barack Obama look like Ronald Reagan.”

Biden’s 65-minute speech was full of false notions of unity and cooperation when that is very far from the truth. We are still more divided than we have ever been, and it is happening at the hands of the Biden administration.