Reps. Issa, Levin, Calvert and Correa Introduce Bill to Assist Medicare Providers During Pandemic Recovery

Washington, DC — This week, Congressman Darrell Issa (CA-50) introduced the Better Way for Providers to Repay Act, which will delay the Medicare Advanced and Accelerated Payment (AAP) loan program repayment start date by three months. Upon introduction, Issa said:

“Medicare provides essential services for millions of seniors and vulnerable Americans through a strong network of providers and suppliers. As we continue reopening during COVID recovery, local Medicare providers have asked for additional time to begin repayment of certain Medicare loans, and my legislation will provide this reasonable flexibility.”

Issa was joined in introduction by Congressman Mike Levin (CA-49), Congressman Ken Calvert (CA-42), and Congressman Lou Correa (CA-46).

Congressman Mike Levin:

“Health care providers have been on the front lines of this pandemic for more than a year, and many have struggled to stay afloat financially just like other institutions during this crisis. It’s important that these providers have flexibility in repaying federal loans so they can keep their doors open and continue to provide health care to our communities, and I’m glad to partner with Rep. Issa on this bill to give them that flexibility.”

Congressman Ken Calvert:

“Our health care providers have stepped up in countless ways to help our communities throughout the pandemic. While the Advanced and Accelerated Payment program gave these providers a crucial lifeline as traditional funding sources were reduced, many of those fiscal challenges remain. That’s why I have joined together with Rep. Issa, Rep. Levin and Rep. Correa to introduce Better Way for Providers to Repay Act and give our health care providers additional flexibility in meeting their loan obligations.”

In support of the Issa legislation, Temecula KPC Healthcare CEO Peter Baronoff said:

“Like other hospital systems across the country providing care to underserved populations, KPC Healthcare continues to experience increased expenses and revenue losses because of the pandemic. That is why we commend and sincerely appreciate the leadership that Congressmen Issa and Levin have shown in introducing the Better Way for Providers to Repay Act, which would delay for an additional three months the repayment of Medicare Accelerated Advance Payments to hospitals and suppliers. We urge Congress to enact this legislation expeditiously and, in so doing, help to ensure that providers will not have to begin repayment before we are fiscally able to do so.”

Read the full bill text here.