Kamala Harris laughs when asked if she will visit the border

Written by Destiny Garcia

With the worsening conditions at the southern border, Americans are expecting Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to visit and make efforts to improve the situation. Though it is the right thing to do as someone who is in authority, Vice President Harris was asked if she had the intention to visit the border anytime soon and her response was, “not today,” followed by a laugh.

As seen through multiple statements from the Biden Administration, the border crisis is not being taken seriously and the Administration refuses to accept that it is a very consequential issue. Jen Psaki, the White House Press Secretary, referred to the crisis as a “circumstance” earlier this week in a press conference.

Psaki stated, “We feel it is our responsibility to humanely approach this circumstance and make sure they are treated and put into conditions that are safe.” However, on Monday, Project Veritas published a series of photographs that show a tight space where immigrants are being packed in very close to each other. The photos showed migrants inches apart, on concrete floors, with foil blankets on.

Not only is this unsafe because of the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic, but the migrants are being held in small, enclosed spaces that resemble a cage. When these structures were used in the last presidency, Biden and Democrats were enraged and blasted former President Trump for being “inhumane.” But now, they are doing exactly what they claimed to be against.

Senator Ted Cruz made a trip to the border and requested media access, but the press was not allowed to enter by orders of the Biden Administration. Cruz has argued that it is important for not only Senate members, but all American people to see with their own eyes what is occurring at our borders. In a letter Cruz wrote to the Administration, he said, “Denying the press the ability to observe, film, and report on the conditions at the border is not openness or transparency — it is hiding the truth from the American people.”


Photo via The Hill on YouTube