5 WH Staffers fired over marijuana usage, despite VP Kamala Harris admitting past usage

Written by Amanda Angulo

Five White House staffers have been fired due to their past use of drugs, including marijuana. Lately, the topic of marijuana has become a delicate one for the Biden Administration due to the fact that Washington D.C. and 15 other states have allowed for the recreational use of marijuana, despite the federal law that prohibits it. 

However, Vice President Kamala Harris has not commented on the firings of the White House staffers, which is interesting considering her history with marijuana. 

While talking on the role of Attorney General in California, she had placed thousands of people behind bars for marijuana violations. In San Francisco, she oversaw nearly 2,000 cannabis convictions and is responsible for putting these people behind bars. In addition, her prosecutors have convicted people at higher rates for weed violations than under Jerry Brown, her predecessor. 

“Some of the cases that Terence Hallinan would have just declined to prosecute, (Harris) said no, we’re going to prosecute these as felonies,” said J. David Nick, a defense attorney who represented marijuana defendants. This demonstrates that Harris has been known to be an aggressive prosecutor when dealing with marijuana convictions.

Then in 2014, she infamously laughed when a reporter asked her what she thought of her opponent’s position to support the legalization of cannabis, and then said that he was “entitled to his own opinion”. In 2016, she had declined to support a ballot measure that dealt with the legalization of weed in California, which voters ultimately approved. 

While she has an extensive history of prosecuting marijuana violations and being against its legalization, Harris was asked if she had ever smoked marijuana and laughingly replied that she has.

So while she has prosecuted thousands and stood firmly against legalization, she herself has consumed marijuana.

While hypocrisy is nothing new when looking at Democrats in America, there seems to be no end to how hypocritical they can get. Now, 5 White House staffers have lost their jobs over something that the Vice President has done herself. 

Photo via Rolling Stone