San Diego Unified reverses course, will allow fans at school sporting events

Written by Urvi Sakurikar

After the California Department of Public Health released a statement allowing up to four members of a player’s immediate household to be in the stands during sporting events, the San Diego Unified School District decided to change their no fans policy. 

Although Supervisor Jim Desmond expressed concerns about parents ignoring social distancing guidelines to get a better look at their children, the district’s decision is considered final, at least for outdoor sporting competitions.

Even with a limited audience, everyone in the stands is required to wear a facial covering and social distance from others, and there are to be no spectators at indoor events. 

A spokesperson for SDUSD has also mandated that the stands be cleared after every game, as well as a ban on concessions and food trucks. 

Although four people for each player may not seem like much, it is a step forward for the otherwise extremely rigid school district, which also happens to be the second-largest in the state. 

Photo via The San Diego Union Tribune