Biden includes abortion funding in COVID-19 relief bill, “Evangelicals for Biden” feels betrayed

Written by Natalia Toliver

It is no surprise that yet again, Biden has gone back on his words. A pro-life organization called “Evangelicals for Biden” feels betrayed as Biden is planning to force taxpayers to fund abortions through his new Covid-19 relief bill. The organization promised to support President Biden if he found common ground with Americans on abortions.

During the campaign, Biden reached out to the Evangelicals to talk and gain support. The organization agreed to speak on the condition that a conversation would be held after Biden took office. This conversation has yet to take place, but Biden is already working against the pro-life movement.

Many evangelicals and Catholics took risks to support Biden publicly. President Biden and Democrats need to honor their courage,” said the organization. So far, Biden has abandoned all common ground, embraced pro-abortion radical ideals, and ended his long-time support of the Hyde Amendment, which “prohibited taxpayer funding for most abortions in Medicaid and other federal programs.”

Americans first gained knowledge that the Covid-19 relief bill would include the funding of abortions via taxpayers when White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki dodged questions asked about it. This new 1.9 trillion dollar relief bill will force taxpayers to fund abortions.

On Sunday, Senate Democrats blocked the attempt made by Republicans to restore the Hyde Amendment to the bill. The Evangelicals for Biden stated, “We’re even more upset that the Biden administration is supporting this bill. As pro-life leaders in the evangelical community, we publicly supported President Biden’s candidacy with the understanding that there would be engagement [with] us on the issue of abortion and particularly the Hyde Amendment.”

Recent polls done by both Marist and Harvard University/Politico found that more people did not want their tax dollars going toward funding abortions. According to Marist, six out of ten Americans opposed abortions funded by taxpayers and the Harvard poll found that 58% opposed it. Research has suggested that a higher number of low-income individuals do not want taxpayer-funded abortions. The Harvard/Politico poll found that those who made more than $75,000 were in support of ending the Hyde Amendment, while those who made $25,000 or less were against it.

Since 1976, the Hyde Amendment has been in place and is estimated to have saved 2.4 million babies from abortions.

Photo via Getty/The Atlantic