Newsom dodges question on fracking ban as recall becomes almost certain

Written by Miguel Palacios

Back in September 2020, Governor Gavin Newsom signed an executive order requiring all new passenger vehicles sold in the state to be zero-emission by 2035, essentially tasking lawmakers with putting an end to new fracking permits.

Fast Forward five months and Newsom appears to be taking a more cautious role in the matter. This week, the governor attended a press conference at a vaccination clinic in Coachella Valley, where a local news reporter questioned him about his position on a newly introduced bill to ban fracking practices.

Newsom’s response to the reporter’s query was very calculated and emitted none of the confidence he portrayed in September. Completely sidestepping the question, he responded, “God bless, forgive me. I’m really honored to be here, incredibly pleased to have the chance to meet with some farmworkers, one who’s about to get his second vaccination, one who’s about to get his first vaccination.” He also claimed to know nothing about the bill and refused to comment on something he was unaware of.

As the recall effort has already exceeded the 1.5M signature requirement, there is no doubt the governor is feeling the heat and doesn’t want to speak precipitously. His relations with the environmental side have not been the best due to his administration’s approval of new fracking permits last summer, and his September executive order did not make him friends with the auto industry either. 

Newsom has found himself in a situation with no optimal escape route. If he throws his support behind the bill, he will provide conservatives with more ammunition for the recall effort. On the other hand, however, if he comes out against the fracking ban, he will anger environmentalists and those on the far-left. His only viable option is to remain silent on the matter, and that’s what he is doing. However, as a leader, Newsom owes it to the public to make tough decisions and accept the consequences. By remaining silent, he is shirking his responsibility as the state’s governor and giving voters all the more reason to recall him. 

To sign the petition to recall Gov Newsom, visit Rescue California

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