Former-Registrar Michael Vu promoted to assistant Chief Administrative Officer

Written by Urvi Sakurikar

Former San Diego County Registrar Michael Vu has received a well-deserved promotion to assistant Chief Administrative Officer of San Diego County. He had served as the county’s Registrar since 2012. 

His new role will require him to take on the responsibility of managing the day to day operations of the county departments, working alongside Chief Administrative Officer Helen Robbins-Meyer.

In response to his promotion, Vu commented that he is “very much excited.”

“It’s new and exciting in terms of where the county is moving. It’s also eye-opening in terms of the challenges the county faces and how to meet those challenges cooperatively.”

In turn, Robbins-Meyer openly praised Vu as someone who has “gained the respect and trust of many within our community, including community-based organizations, advocacy groups, elected officials, and the media”. 

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the last year has been especially demanding in terms of holding elections in a safe manner and cooperating with the public, but Vu has shown extreme readiness, resourcefulness, and competence in handling these obstacles. 

For the 2020 election, San Diego saw a 600% increase in people signing up to be a permanent mail-in ballot voter. Despite the drastic increase, Vu handled the situation extremely well, and San Diego’s election results were accurate and available quickly.

Before working as the Registrar, Vu gained public experience through his role as the county assistant registrar as well as through his job at the Salt Lake County Elections Division and as the director of the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections in Ohio. 

Now more than ever, San Diegans need public officials that they can trust. Michael Vu has served voters well throughout his career, and he will no doubt continue to serve the county well in his new role. 

Photo via County News Center