Recall Effort against City Council President Jennifer Campbell officially begins 

Written by Justin Culetu 

Leaders of the campaign to recall San Diego City Council President Dr. Jennifer Campbell initiated the process by providing a notice of intent for the Councilwoman’s recall, which is expected to be published in the San Diego Daily Transcript. Campbell represents District 2 and was narrowly elected as City Council President over fellow Democrat Monica Montgomery Steppe. 

Those in favor of the recall effort are upset with several of her recent decisions. The first being supporting Measure E. The measure lifted height limits in the area near the sports arena and voting records show the majority of District 2 residents were opposed to that. Her constituents were also angered by her proposed vacation rental legislation, saying that it is too lenient.

“Councilmember Campbell has betrayed the voters and is unfit for office,” the recall notice says. “Having no other recourse, we the residents of District 2, together with concerned residents throughout the city, have come together to take this action.”

Also mentioned in the notice is her inability to accept opposing opinions from residents during community meetings as well as ignoring suggestions from electors. 

Campbell was dismissive and critical of the recall, saying “It is a selfish and irresponsible political stunt,” in an email to the UT.

The campaign has until the first week of June to gather 14,421 signatures from the residents of District 2. However, the signatures cannot be gathered until three weeks after the notice was published in order to give Campbell enough time to publish a rebuttal. And the recall campaign will be responsible for the costs associated with publishing her rebuttal.

The City Council will have six months to schedule a special recall election if the signatures are successfully verified by the City Clerk. 

Photo via Government video