Parking enforcement resumes in San Diego

Written by Michael Palomba

Certain parking enforcement measures have been halted in San Diego for some time due to the COVID-19 shutdown order, but with the order being lifted earlier this week, standard rules will be going back into effect.

From Friday, Jan. 29th to Feb. 7 drivers who park in no-parking zones will receive a warning, with no citation or fine attached. But starting on Feb 8th, normal parking rules will take effect and anyone found parking in a no-parking zone will receive a fine as usual.

“In accordance with the state’s decision this week, it’s necessary to resume enforcement of parking regulations,” Mayor Todd Gloria said. “I continue to strongly urge San Diegans to stay vigilant — wear a mask when you leave your home, avoid gathering with those outside your home and practice physical distancing. Doing so will help us stop the spread of COVID-19.”

The city had been enforcing red, white, and blue curbs throughout the pandemic. But now street sweeping parking restrictions, metered parking, time limits, and yellow commercial zones will all be enforced as well.

Officials say the resumption of parking enforcement actually has a lot to do with pollution and water quality concerns. With parking enforcement paused, street sweepers have had a difficult time cleaning all the debris and garbage from the road. Not only can this lead to issues with water quality, but it can also contribute to flooding when it rains; and San Diego has experienced some extreme amounts of rain in these last few days.

For more information on the updated parking enforcement measures, visit the city’s website at

Photo via PB Monthly