Two new COVID-19 vaccination sites open in San Diego County 

Written by Justin Culetu 

This past weekend, two new COVID-19 vaccination centers opened in San Diego County; one in National City and one in Oceanside. As of now, both locations have 500 doses available for healthcare workers and those over the age of 65. 

The National City location is at the Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center on E 12th Street and the Oceanside location is at the North Coastal Live Well Center on Ocean Ranch Boulevard. Both centers are run by the county and will be open from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm Sunday through Thursday. For more information about the locations, visit

At the moment, all locations require appointments and proof of identity. Appointments can be made here. Eligible residents who do not have access to the internet can call 211 to make an appointment.

Other news from this weekend is that vaccine eligibility was expanded to include individuals over the age of 65. While this is an important step to helping us get back to normal, it is not enough. California currently ranks dead last in administering COVID-19 vaccines. And with the announcement Monday that Gov. Newsom will be lifting the regional stay-at-home order and allowing some businesses to reopen, he needs to do what is required to improve vaccine distribution in the state.