Shirley Weber is the wrong pick for Secretary of State

Written by Mary Scyocurka

In a recently published interview* of Assemblywoman Shirley Weber, she stated, “Education is in my soul. I’ve been a teacher since I was 5 years old on my mother’s back porch in the projects. I did everybody’s homework because I was stupid (laughing) and I love doing homework!”

Shirley Weber thinks that doing school homework for others made her a teacher. That’s just the opposite of the truth. She taught the other children nothing. They learned nothing. One learns by doing. Students should earn their grades, based on the work that they have done.

It’s not surprising then that almost 70 years later, Shirley Weber introduced the legislation which led to Prop 16, the ballot initiative to repeal Prop 209, the ban on affirmative action.

Shirley Weber does not value merit. She believes that students should be accepted into the California university system based on the color of their skin, not based on their personal achievements.

It is no wonder that she has now been appointed as Secretary of State, based on the color of her skin. Martin Luther King is certainly rolling over in his grave. As the democrats are pushing for resolutions and statements about equity in all jurisdictions throughout the land, the hypocrisy of the left is evidenced through their identity politics.

We are about to have a Secretary of State, the top election official, who prioritizes educating felons on their right to vote in this state. It’s scary to imagine what voting in California will become when merit is disregarded. Non-citizens have not merited the right to vote, but will she pave the way for them? Why not? Biden has just ordered illegal aliens to be counted in the census.

Shirley Weber is not appreciative of the opportunity allotted to her by Gavin Newsom. Rather, she is angry that he did not appoint a woman of color to fill Kamala Harris’s vacant senate seat. That is sexist and racist. What is she teaching us?

*Christopher, Ben. “Next Secretary of State Aims to Teach Californias ‘How Fragile The Democracy Is.’” Beyond the Bridge [Coronado], Volume 5 Issue 6, p. 22.

Photo via the Associated Press