Kaiser Permanente pledges $100k to San Diego-based non-profit

Written by Hannah Schmidtler

Kaiser Permanente hospital has pledged $100,000 dollars to the Partnership for the Advancement of New Americans (PANA), a San Diego-based non-profit.  PANA’s mission is to achieve economic, social, and civil infusion of refugees in San Diego and across the country. PANA focuses on public policy, research, and advocacy to achieve its mission.

Kaiser’s $100,000 dollar pledge to PANA is part of  a broader commitment made in June 2020 of  $25 million to “promote health equity and break the cycle of racism- driven stresses that lead to poor health outcomes for its members and communities.” Kaiser’s senior vice president and area manager Jane Finley explained, “We’ve always worked on reducing inequity in our communities because we believe health care must be affordable for all — it’s a requirement for individuals, families and communities to thrive, this initiative aligns to that effort because we’ve chosen to focus on providing grant money to uplift under- resourced communities and populations.”

“We are thankful for this grant. It will help amplify our voice and mitigate refugee families from being marginalized when it comes to economic, social and civic inclusion,” said Ramla Sahid, the nonprofit’s executive director. “This grant will also facilitate a partnership with Pillars of the Community to work directly with black immigrant and African American populations in San Diego to promote community connectedness and well-being.”

Photo via Sundry Photography/Shutterstock