Republican women elected in San Diego: Part 2!

Written by Hannah Schmidtler

Earlier this month we put out an article about some of the amazing Republican women who were elected to office in San Diego. We couldn’t fit everyone in one story, so here is part 2!

Kristie Bruce-Lane- Olivenhain Municipal Water

Kristie Bruce-Lane became Olivenhain Municipal Water District’s newest board director on December 2nd. Bruce-Lane was born in Bakersfield, California. She attended California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo where she earned two bachelor’s degrees; one in Nutritional Science and the other in Crop Science. She is a proud mother and wife and believes that her extensive experience in both agriculture and healthcare has given her the tools she needs to do her job well. She aims to provide Olivenhain with safe, reliable drinking water at a low cost.

Pam Moss- Ramona Municipal Water District

Pam Moss was recently elected Director of the Ramona Municipal Water District. Her experience as a real estate broker has provided her with valuable knowledge in agriculture and development, which are two aspects of her new position. Moss started a company that garnered national success which is a testament to her leadership skills and great work ethic. As Director of the Ramona Municipal Water District, Moss wants to provide a reliable low-cost water source to the community. She also wants to educate her community on the changes Rainbow Water is making. 

Debra Foster- Ramona Community Planning Board

Debra Foster has been a firefighter and paramedic for 23 years. She has three children and five grandchildren. Foster would like to see growth in Ramona and is interested in bringing in shops so that the city can be more convenient for everyone in her community.

Michelle Rains- Ramona Community Planning Board

Michelle Rains, a Ramona High School alumni, graduated from The California Culinary Academy of San Francisco. She has been a resident of Ramona for over 30 years and owns her own business. Rains is interested in the growth of her community and would also like to see the 67 freeway widened to increase safety.

Rosemarie Rohatgi- Rancho Santa Fe School District

Dr. Rosemarie Rohatgi was recently elected to the board of the Rancho Santa Fe School District. Rohatgi has a personal love for the school district because her son has been enrolled there since he was five. She also has impressive academic accomplishments which include completing her residency at UCLA. She went on to specialize in sleep-related disorders and has published several research papers on the topic. 

Annette Ross- Rancho Santa Fe School District

Annette Ross was also elected to the board of the Rancho Santa Fe School District. She has lived in Rancho Santa Fe for four years with her husband and five daughters. She previously worked for Morgan Stanley at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. After that, she served as a Refco Currency Trader in Bermuda.

Inki Welch- Rincon Del Diablo Water District

Inki Welch is the director of the Rincon Del Diablo Water District and has lived in San Diego since 1976. She graduated from Point Loma Nazarene University with a major in Economics, Accounting and Business Administration and earned an MBA in Financial Management. After graduating, she worked for Security Pacific Finance Corp and eventually started her own real estate agency. Her business’ success earned it a spot as a Fortune 500 company. Welch’s goal as director of the Rincon Del Diablo Water District is to keep water rates low.

Gigi Gleason- Tri-City Hospital Health Care Board

Gigi Gleason has been elected to the Tri-City Hospital Health Care Board. Gleason, a well-known volunteer from Oceanside, has served on two Tri-City Healthcare District Committees, the Tri-City Hospital Foundation Board of Directors, and has raised $800,000 for the Tri-City Hospital Foundation. 

Carol Johnson- Valley Center Parks and Rec

Carol Johnson has lived in Valley Center for 20 years. In her past, she has worked as an EMT and worked abroad for 20 years on behalf of the U.S. government.  Johnson also served on the Valley Center Parks and Rec board for six years and was president for one. Her experience makes her well suited to help Valley Center Parks and Rec with the transition to an advisory board and she is eager to continue making Valley Center a better place.

Gina Roberts – Valley Center Parks and Rec and Valley Center Fire Protection District

Gina Roberts won two seats in the recent election and became California’s first elected transgender Republican. She is on the Valley Center Fire Protection District Board and the Parks and Rec Committee. Roberts has lived in Valley Center for 30 years and studied at UC San Diego. She became the first transgender Central Committee member for the San Diego Republican Party back in 2016 and the first transgender delegate for the California Republican Party in 2017. She currently serves on the county’s Human Relations Committee and as the President of Log Cabin Republicans of San Diego. Adding to her lengthy list of achievements,  the Valley Center Chamber of Commerce named her honorary mayor twice, and the Valley Roadrunner crowned her as Newsmaker of the Year.