Republican Party of San Diego County appoints new officers, says farewell to Chairman Krvaric after 14 years

Written by Michael Palomba

The Republican Party of San Diego County appointed several new officers at their Monday evening meeting.

The biggest change comes to the position of Chairman, or should I say, Chairwoman. Chairman Tony Krvaric will be retiring from the position after over 14 years as head of the party. During his 7 terms, Mr. Krvaric has improved every aspect of the party. He instituted a physical office, brought the party out of debt, developed the programs and structure that helps to further Republican values and interests in San Diego County, and much more. He has created what many refer to as the “gold standard” for how a county party should operate.

“Politics is in my blood. Rest assured I am not going away but will find other ways to serve and advance freedom. I will continue to help San Diego County in any way that I am called upon,” said Mr. Krvaric

Paula Whitsell, a small business owner from the South Bay, will be taking the reins as the new Republican Party of San Diego County Chairwoman. Ms. Whitsell previously served as Second Vice-Chair and was recently re-elected to the 80th Assembly District Caucus. She lived and worked in Brazil for 17 years before returning to the San Diego area in 1989 with her family. She has been active with the Chula Vista Bonita Republican Women as well as the San Diego County Republican Women since 2009. Having seen the effects of socialism in action while in Brazil, she is a passionate voice for Republican ideals and values.

In addition to a new Chair, the party is also welcoming a new First Vice-Chair, Second Vice-Chair, and Secretary.

Taking the position of First Vice-Chair is Dustin Trotter. Mr. Trotter was elected to the Santee City Council in the most recent election and also serves as Caucus Chair for the 71st Assembly District.

When asked about his new role, Trotter said, “I am honored to accept the position as 1st Vice-Chair of the party. I will work to provide a voice for those who live on the outskirts of the county and continue to grow the Republican base in San Diego as a whole.”

The Second Vice-Chair will now be Brad Gerbel, the campaign manager and treasurer for Coronado Mayor Richard Bailey as well as a Central Committee member for the 78th Assembly District. Following Monday’s meeting, Gerbel said, “I am humbled and honored to be elected the Second Vice Chairman of the Republican Party of San Diego County.  I look forward to working with Chairwoman Whitsell and all of the members of the executive committee to recruit strong candidates in the months ahead.”

Elizabeth Spillane remains the party’s Treasurer. Spillane graduated from the University of San Francisco in 2007 and served as Chief of Staff for former-District 5 Councilman Mark Kelsey for 8 years. She has an extensive background in political campaigns, fundraising, and grassroots organizing, including a cycle as Finance Director of the party.

“It’s an honor to be re-elected as Treasurer of the organization that first brought me to San Diego as staff 12 years ago. I am grateful to my fellow committee members for their continued confidence and look forward to serving alongside the new leadership team,” said Spillane

And last but not least, the party’s new Secretary is Andrew Skale. Mr. Skale is an intellectual property attorney and commercial ligator. He litigates patent, trademark, and copyright disputes in courts around the country, and prosecutes patents and trademarks before the US Patent and Trademark Office. He is also a longtime member of the party’s Central Committee and serves as Caucus Chair for the 77th Assembly District.

“I am thrilled and honored to be elected to this position and I can promise I will do my best to represent the fine republicans of San Diego County,” said Skale following Monday evening’s meeting.

Chairwoman Paula Whitsell (Left) and Secretary Andrew Skale (Right)