Oceanside opens applications for second round of Small Business Grants

Written by Michael Palomba

Applications for a second round of Oceanside Small Bussiness Grants became available to the city’s business owners on Monday morning.

This follows a January 6th decision by the City Council to approve $750,000 in funding for the grants. There are eligibility requirements and multiple tiers which are detailed on the Oceanside Chamber of Commerce Website.

Grant funds will be awarded to businesses on a priority basis according to the following tiers as well as through demonstration of financial injury shown on Profit and Loss Statements submitted for review:

Tier 1
Independently owned businesses located in Oceanside that opened prior to March 15, 2020 have been mandated by government action or decree to close or significantly alter their business activity due to COVID—19.

Tier 2
Independently owned businesses located in Oceanside that opened after March 15, 2020 and have been mandated by government action or decree to close or significantly alter their business activity due to COVID – 19.


Independently owned businesses located in Oceanside that can demonstrate that their businesses have been significantly affected by government action or decree but have not been ordered to alter business practices other than requirements related to reducing occupancy and observing social distancing.

Tier 3 
Business that are located in Oceanside, are home-based* or are part of a national and/or regional franchise and have been mandated by government action or decree to close or significantly alter their business activity due to COVlD-19.
*Short term vacation rental businesses are not eligible

The program will continue based on the initial grant program which awarded $257,000 to 130 local businesses. Additionally, businesses were provided with a no-to-low interest business loan program, a shop local campaign, relaxed business regulations, and a utility relief program.

Grant amounts for the second round will range from $1,000 to $7,500 and will be based on the tier in which a business falls in as well as the financial impact COVID-19 has had on said business.

“Small businesses are the drivers of economic growth in our city, and this program will get funding to those that need it the most,” said Mayor Esther Sanchez. “We are committed to helping our businesses survive through this challenging time. I am hopeful that Oceanside restaurants and other small businesses will regain the strong momentum they had before the pandemic.”

The application was open as of 8 am on Monday and can be found on the City of Oceanside Economic Development’s website

Photo via Oceanside Chamber of Commerce